site, Sui! I love the layout, and I can tell that you know your stuff. Your
contributors also seem to know what they're doing, as that article I found on
lag turned up to be very useful. Keep it up!
Glad we could all help, I do what I can to get some of the best players
on the 'net to contribute, mostly through a generous use of begging on my part.
Hey Sui, here's one for the nonsense page... Are you still
#1 AVA? By the way there are a LOT of people who have been hacking i76 as long
as Nitro. I don't aggree with what you say about Deadman. He is (was?) good,
but i know people who showed him how to hack, your page (cool though it is)
is not a hacking page therefore how do you know who "the best nitro hacker of
all time is" as for Deadman not being able to play online because he is hacking
all the time ----well join the club. I have nothing against Deadman, but to
label him the best nitro hacker of all time is an injustice to many other excellent
hackers out there who keep themselves to themselves.
-Mr Sadist
You are correct in saying Speed Shop isn't a hacking page, but SuiCyco was
a hacker at one point a long, long, time ago, before fire proof cars, right
back when it was discovered how to make infinite armor. This is how I met Deadman,
who, interestingly, lived near me. He is a skilled hacker, perhaps saying 'the
best of all time' was a bit strong, because there are so many different facets
to hacking I'76. And being a good hacker isn't just about the hacking, but how
you represent your trade. A few names come to mind (names I won't mention) of
particularly almost-brilliant hackers who had the skills, but no ethics to back
them up. It's not all about the hexxing, but the attitude as well. Another hexxer
will be interviewed shortly and some of your valid criticims will hopefully
be laid to rest.
As for my AVA number, you're close, it's currently 1.37 :) .
You have not interviewed any Nitro hackers, those guys are
the best because its is hard hacking Nitro. It just says "cheating bastard alert"
but NemesiS and Mr Sadist an the regular posters on NemesiS Nitro hacks board.
They are really skill. I mean Death Machine who is he?
-The Unkown